
An Ecommerce Platform from the Salesforce Stable.

  • Kiran George - June, 2023

Salesforce Commerce Cloud B2C (formerly known as Demandware) is now a well-known eCommerce SaaS solution for companies that wishes to not only to go online within a short period of time, but can also deliver a premium and uniform UX across multiple touchpoints. Some of the major brands that use SFCC at this moment include Adidas, Puma, Lacoste and Jaguar Land Rover.

In 2016, Salesforce's $2.8 billion acquisition of Demandware plugs a big hole in its portfolio at that time, which was SaaS based B2C ecommerce. Salesforce acquired Demandware, let it run independently for a bit and then integrated its technology throughout its platform. By developing out of the box integration with Salesforce CRM and Salesforce OMS, SFCC B2C solution became more of a rounded package for enterprise level clients with high profit margin.

SFCC B2C is distinguished by a multi-tenant SaaS architecture that provides best in class reliability that is required for an ecommerce platform, which boast a 99.9% uptime. Platform provides personalisation intelligence (google Salesforce’s Einstein AI), user experience, and feature rich backend operation modules to power all stages of cross-channel e-commerce that new generation merchants expect from a e-commerce platform.

Some main features of Salesforce Commerce Cloud include:

Multi-Site management with in a single realm
In house Catalog and Product management (for small scale merchants)
Responsive mobile design using SFRA framework, or using react based PWA architecture
Real-time reports and dashboards
Pre-built Integrations with other Salesforce products
Built in Campaigns and promotions management
Comprehensive custom development possibilities
Customer and segment-specific personalisation, including tiered pricing
Built in A/B testing module

Salesforce has set up different pricing models SFCC B2C where it charges 1–3% of your gross merchandise value (GMV). As your business grows, you are automatically charged more because it is percentage-based. In contrast to popular ecommerce solution like Shopify, which works on a subscription-based, SFCC charges a merchant on a commission-based contract, by which a merchant is entitled to pay more if they sell more.

Overall, Salesforce Commerce Cloud is a very powerful and scalable eCommerce platform with lots of native features for merchandising, multiple store management, customer segmentation, internationalization, and many more.

Salesforce SFCC Custom development and support at CommerceForz

If you belong to one of the categories, feel free to contact us and we can provide a no-obligation demo:

Someone who is looking to launch an ecommerce store and want to explore options available

Someone who is looking to migrate from an existing underperforming ecommerce platform

Someone who wish to onboard few SFCC developers/UX designers to work on few enhancements to do day to day maintenance tasks